“David Froom's music will keep you on the edge of your seat trying to guess what will happen next. The works on this disc are diverse, but share a common concern for subverting expectations.” So writes composer Eric Moe about David Froom, born in 1951. Froom says that he revels “in a world where the new can embrace any aspect of a readily available past”, and indeed, Brahmsian gestures and sonorities, Stravinskian rhythms and dislocations, Reichian drive and repetition, and bebop riffs and syncopations all coexist here, forged into one distinctive voice.
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Amichai Songs (2006) - baritone and ensemble
Fantasy Dances (2000) - chamber ensemble
Circling (2002) - flute and clarinet
Emerson Songs (1996) - soprano and chamber ensemble
Trio (2002) - clarinet, cello and piano
, baritone
, soprano
, , conductor